Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jonah Goldberg, when political derision matters more

I saw Goldberg's latest republished to the Spokesman-Review editorial. If there was a word for his latest editorial, "troll" would be it. I know for myself, that I have worked for a good percentage of my life, at least 30 years or more. And what have I got to show for it? I don't have my own home and can't afford to rent. One of the reasons was, that housing prices shot sky-high as people got greedy over the idea of homes being so valuable that they became a second source of income. But for people such as myself, they became impossible to afford. No bank is going to lend money to someone who makes 12,000 a year, but maybe an unscrupulous subprime lender would. Not that I got embroiled in such a mess, thank the Gods. And yes, I would love having the sort of income that even at my age that I could in fact afford a home of my own. Wishful thinking. Which brings to mind this question: From what source did Goldberg get the idea that the economy grew 3.2% last quarter? Maybe 3.2% last quarter of last year! But this year in particular, the housing crisis was even worse than last year. New housing starts are reduced even in the Inland Northwest now and gas prices have forced businesses even in the Inland Northwest to shut their doors. Then I guess that would depend on "who's economy" grew?

Phil Gramm derisively treated the current recession as "mental only" and Americans had become a nation of whiners. Then I guess that is where Goldberg gets his view of the world. From Gramm himself. The recession doesn't exist, even though people appeared on CNN during the Dem National Convention and complained about Senator Obama not being "specific enough" about the foreclosures hitting the state of Florida particularly hard. If that is not a sign of recession, then I quite frankly wouldn't know what was.

Apparently, Goldberg doesn't believe that Obama and Biden can actually get out of a motorcade and interview people in trouble. They do. In order to have a real sense of what woes people are going through. So what ever circles Goldberg is running in, I expect it is not in the circles of ordinary people who face job losses for a variety of reasons, loss of wages based on the company they work for preserving its profits, loss of benefits because those benefits now prove too spendy for the company to stay in the black. And the ripple effect gets spread elsewhere...

The Heritage Foundation is utterly opposed to a bill that would unionize America, precisely, pitting American labor against those oh so poor struggling businesses. The Heritage Foundation blatantly made a distinction between the American workforce and the American consumer. There is none. You can't become a consumer without money in your pocket. You can't have money in your pocket unless you have a job. The business interests should bear in mind that continuing on a trajectory of us v them as supported by no less than the Heritage Foundation, means that their economy is going to go down in the dumps ultimately. If they don't hire an American work force, if they don't want to pay the American work force decent wages, neither will an American consumer exist. Personally, I don't agree with unions. I am not prepared to support reunionizing the work force. But I do understand why a desperate American work force would again begin to trend in that direction, or the Heritage Foundation wouldn't now be trembling in fear of the prospect. Even to distorting the intent of a founding father, Ben Franklin, I believe. It is out of self-protection.

Jonah Goldberg wonders if "American Idol" is on the minds of Americans these days. It isn't on my mind at anytime. I don't watch the show. Why would I care who was the best singer, dancer, etc.? I don't do "Reality game shows." No, who is to be the next president of the U.S. is my main concern. Obama is pro-choice. McCain is anti-abortion. I want Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court who do not create a state religion. Something that Congress is not allowed to do. Therefore, this Republican votes for Obama. We need a new direction on handling world crises. In all of 8 years of the GW administration, we have seen that administration handle world crises, not at all well. McCain on the campaign trail is go along to get along. McCain on the campaign trail does not demonstrate a willingness to be a maverick. Therefore, I don't trust that McCain is capable of a new direction. We are a nation deeply mired in personal and national debt. Neither McCain or Obama have excellent arguments on how we dig our way back out of the red ink and toward fiscal prosperity. But Obama promises gvt that will be there for the common man. What does McCain promise? We already know that GW did not produce a gvt for the common man, but only for the special interests. And in the process, just how many times did he ultimately sell out this country while catering to the special interests? That is something that must guide my vote come November, it is why I won't vote Republican whenever possible.

Goldberg can wring his hands, cry crocodile tears and claim the Dems are engaging in political distortions of an economy that perhaps in his mind really exists. But for struggling homeowners, the workforce, the students, the poor, Goldberg's economy is not the one they see. If it exists, it isn't "trickling down" to them.

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