Thursday, June 14, 2007

Broder, out of touch

David Broder admits to being no fan of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Why? Because Reid (snivel, snivel) pulled the Compromise Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act from the floor after the GOP mostly top loaded it with killer amendments. Broder actually did manage to reveal such a fact and still (snivel, snivel) wanted to blame Senator Reid.
I'm quite sure Reid can be blamed for a lot. The Democrats could have found a tougher Majority leader to confront GW especially on Iraq after the 2006 elections. But, GW has his own party to blame for why the legislation he wanted: To put the current crop of 12 million to perhaps 30 million illegal aliens (drug traffickers, narco-terrorists, members of criminal gangs, those who engage in identity theft in order to work in this country) on the road to amnesty and eventual citizenship. As well as a "guest worker" program that would keep a free flow of cheap labor across our borders and into the hands of exploitable business interests and at the expense of the American workforce. In
Indeed, an editorial found in the same Spokesman-Review opinion and letters pages made note of how the Bush administration isn't exactly anxious to assist Enron shareholders who were swindled of pensions and etc. when that company went belly up after cooking the books. Harold Myerson as editor at large for American Prospect and the L.A. Weekly. The time when the old left seems to be better at defending both capitalism and the market place than GW himself seems to be. After all, isn't the American workforce part of the same marketplace as the businesses who funded GW's entrance into the oval office. Where GW shows such contempt for justice in the case of those whom Enron employed. Then he can't have much more respect for the American voter, taxpayer and work force.
Broder is just as familiar with the facts as Meyerson. Broder would still rather side with GW over an issue that would be devastating to the American public. And blame a Democratic Senate Majority leader who probably did the American public more good by pulling the immigration bill than if he had actually allowed the GOP to have their way with it. A bill incidentally, that the GOP themselves did not want.
There has also been some bashing of Washington state Democrats by local writers, who are probably just as out of touch on the subject as Broder. Senators Murray and Cantwell are typical old lefties when it comes to illegal immigrants. So what can be said about that? What then of the new left GOP who were publicly supporting liberal GW on giving amnesty to illegal aliens and on the behalf of business interests. Broder is no fan of Senator Reid. Broder is increasingly no fan to the interests of the American people.

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